From consolidated payments to comprehensive reporting, SurePay makes recovering your payments easy and efficient with the insightful data you need to increase bookings and improve profits.
SurePay is an industry-leading payment system for travel agents, corporate travel departments, travel management companies, and other travel distributors, helping hotel bookers in more than 160 countries recover hotel commission payments in a more cost-efficient and timely manner.
From consolidated payments to comprehensive reporting, SurePay makes recovering your payments easy and efficient with the insightful data you need to increase bookings and improve profits.
One Consolidated Electronic Payment
Receive commission payments electronically from all hotels in one transaction - no more checks.
Reduced Bank Fees
One electronic payment per week reducing bank charges and currency conversion fees.
Reduced administrative overhead
Staff no longer needs to track and process thousands of individual paper checks, so they can concentrate on increasing revenue, not chasing it.
Payment in your currency of choice
Choose payment from one of 29 currencies available.
Best-in-Class Customer Service
Access Onyx’s customer support center for assistance with follow up on missing commissions.
Commission Reporting
Receive full reporting on all commissions paid in one electronic file instead of individual paper statements from each hotel.
As a typical travel management company, Frequent Flyer Travel Paris found that collecting commissions through a vast variety of sources and channels was a complex challenge and estimated that around 25 percent of all commissions were never received. With the solution implemented by Net Trans, an Onyx CenterSource company, Frequent Flyer Travel now collects 96 percent of all commissions owed.