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The Top 3 Hotel Trends to Watch in 2021
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog , Hospitality Trends & Research , Hotels ,
January 7, 2021

Reading Time: 4 minutes While 2020 has been extraordinarily tough on travel, the industry is no stranger to periods of slow recovery. In fact, the effects of 9/11 on the profitability of airlines had only subsided for two years before the recession of 2008 hit, resetting the recovery clock. Hotels have traditionally bounced back from recessions quicker than airlines, […]

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Travel Agency Commission Settlement: How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Commission Payment Process
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog , Hotels ,
October 26, 2020

Reading Time: 4 minutes Travel agency commission settlement is an important steppingstone to building profitable relationships between hotels and travel agencies. Intermediaries, like travel agencies and OTAs, are an important part of a hotel’s distribution plan, and intermediary payments have grown to be the second largest expense of rooms departments. Along with a desirable hotel offering and tiered commissions, […]

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How to Increase Travel Agent Commissions in 5 Steps
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog , Travel Agencies ,
September 28, 2020

Reading Time: 4 minutes Travel agent commissions are the travel agency payments received from hotels for the bookings an agent made at the hotel. For example, a commission payment may be 10% of the cost of the client’s room stay. Commission payment percentages vary from hotel to hotel, and travel agents can expect a bit of variance in their […]

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The One Technology That Can Disrupt Cross-Border Payments at Last
by Onyx CenterSource in Hospitality Trends & Research , Hotels , Travel Agencies ,
September 3, 2020

Reading Time: 5 minutes From both a corporate and consumer standpoint, cross-border payments have integrated themselves into our daily life. Today’s companies do business around the world. Manufacturers source parts, materials, and labor abroad as often as they do domestically, and in some cases, large corporations outsource more than half of their business abroad. Global travel, both for business […]

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Onyx CenterSource Contributes to Hospitality Recovery as Data Partner to the Skift Recovery Index
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog , Hospitality Trends & Research , Hotels , Travel Agencies ,
August 18, 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes Onyx CenterSource is excited to announce our new role as contributing data partner for the Skift Recovery Index. While the global hospitality market continues to navigate recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, the availability of actionable data and insights remains vital. The Skift Recovery Index helps provide those insights by including a detailed view of the […]

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