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Hospitality B2B Payment: What Will the Future Hold?
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog , Hotels , Travel Agencies ,
June 29, 2020

Reading Time: 4 minutes   When the hospitality industry speaks about payment innovation, much of the emphasis is put on guest payment experience in the hospitality space. With more and more guests demanding ease of payment for trips and hotel stays, it’s no wonder that keeping up with payment demand sees such enthusiastic discussion.But by concentrating on guest payments, […]

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What Will Hotel Recovery Look Like After COVID-19?
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog , Hotels ,
June 8, 2020

Reading Time: 4 minutes   Much speculation has been expressed across the hospitality industry about what hotel recovery will look like after COVID-19. Rightfully so, as we saw the steepest decline in travel history happen swiftly within days of outbreaks in major cities and regions across the globe. Many hotels are still shuttered, awaiting word from governmental agencies on […]

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COVID-19 Resources and Toolkit Summary for Hospitality
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog , Hotels , Travel Agencies ,
June 2, 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes   With the COVID-19 situation rapidly unfolding, it may be difficult to keep up with all of the updates and resources available to hotels and travel agencies. News and information comes from all angles and changes as rapidly as it appears. In an effort to ensure that you and your teams are informed, we have […]

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COVID-19 and Hospitality: The Road to Recovery for Meeting Planners
April 20, 2020

Reading Time: 5 minutes While we have yet to see the final impact that COVID-19 will have on meetings and events, it’s clear that the coronavirus is one of the largest hurdles that meeting planners have ever faced. From information gleaned through industry surveys, we know that nearly every meeting planner has been affected by the coronavirus in their […]

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COVID-19 and Hospitality: The Age of Virtual Events
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog ,
March 31, 2020

Reading Time: 4 minutes As we live our new normal of social distancing, many meeting planners are looking to virtual events as an alternative to in-person events and conferences. While this is more challenging for large-scale festivals and tradeshows, conferences of all sizes are learning they can pivot in-person events to an online format with relative ease. Virtual events […]

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