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COVID-19 and Hospitality: Background and Tips
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog ,
March 17, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutes In the past few weeks, the world has been inundated with news about COVID-19, commonly referred to as coronavirus. Due to the rapid spread of the virus, however, there has been a lack of understanding of it and its effect on populations and industries. Let’s take a quick look into the virus and how it […]

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COVID-19 and Hospitality: How Can Hotels and Meeting Planners Prepare?
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog ,
March 13, 2020

Reading Time: 4 minutes The hospitality industry has seen one of its biggest downturns in history with the sudden onset of COVID-19. Travel bans and restrictions are growing daily as the novel coronavirus continues to move into new regions and countries. One of the highly affected hospitality sectors is meetings and events. With companies enforcing strict travel guidelines and widespread […]

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3 Ways Hotels Can Win More Meeting and Event Bookings
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog ,
February 20, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutes   From RFPs to payments, emerging technology has virtually transformed the full event planning cycle for both planners and hoteliers. Event planning thought leaders are looking beyond hotel airport proximity and square footage to how hotels can wow their clients and simplify their event experience. How can your hotel keep up with growing trends that […]

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Five Ways to Prepare Your Agency for Hotel Payment Inquiries
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog ,
February 12, 2020

Reading Time: 4 minutes The fast-paced nature of the travel and hospitality industry is a large draw for many travel agents. Being able to provide a variety of services to multiple clients is a time-consuming endeavor, but is more often than not one of the most rewarding experiences out there. With so much going on, however, it’s easy to […]

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5 Ways Revenue Managers are Thinking More Like Marketers
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog , Company News ,
October 23, 2019

Reading Time: 4 minutes With the new customer acquisition and channel needs of a modern hotel, revenue managers and marketers are overlapping in thought and action more than ever before. And while both departments have traditionally worked independently, large hotels chains are learning fast that cross-collaboration between these two vital departments can bring more business, strategic partnerships, insights, and […]

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