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Onyx CenterSource Celebrates the Holidays With a Giving Spirit
by Onyx CenterSource in Company News ,
December 17, 2018

Reading Time: 2 minutes In celebration of a remarkable and exciting year, Onyx teams across the globe recently celebrated the holidays in completely unique—but equally fun—ways. Our holiday cheer was made even brighter with a company donation in honor of Onyx employees and customer. Read on to see how we celebrated 2018 as a company. Seville, Spain The Onyx […]

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A Tipping Point for Hospitality Payment Innovation
by Onyx CenterSource in Hospitality Trends & Research , Hotels ,
October 23, 2018

Reading Time: 2 minutes A recent study from and Amadeus reports just 15 percent of travel companies have attempted hospitality payment innovation in their systems over the last three years—despite the high bank fees associated with fragmented international business models. The report notes that third-party fees associated with consumer payment average 4.7 percent for airlines, 6 percent for […]

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How to Embrace Technology That is Shaping Millennial Travel
by Onyx CenterSource in Hospitality Trends & Research , Hotels ,
September 26, 2018

Reading Time: 4 minutes Hoteliers and travel agents have seen hospitality industry trends change and grow over time. But the presence of technology that appeals to millennial travelers—both established and up-and-coming tech—is changing the industry like never before. With millennial travel accounting for 80% of online bookings, transitioning your business efforts to web and mobile is key to staying […]

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The Evolving World of Travel Distribution Incentives
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog ,
July 24, 2018

Reading Time: 3 minutes Recent moves by hotel companies to reduce the commissions paid for groups and meetings is once again stirring talk about whether the traditional model for rewarding travel distribution partners is dying, and if so, what other types of travel distribution incentives might replace commissions. A poll of the audience at Onyx CenterSource’s recent FutureSource conference […]

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Onyx FutureSource 2018 Conference Highlights
by Mark Dubrow in Company News ,
May 30, 2018

Reading Time: 2 minutes For the last five years, Onyx CenterSource has been known as the leading company for hotel commission processing. As we celebrate our anniversary, however, I am unofficially banning the word “commission” from our vocabulary. It’s something I’ve been talking about internally for a while. And if I had any doubts, they were dispelled this month […]

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