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Hotels Continue to See Growth in Bookings via Online Platforms
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog , Hospitality Trends & Research ,
November 2, 2015

Reading Time: 2 minutes The hotels market has seen an impressive growth as more and more people take their searches online. The hotels market continues to benefit from the rise in online platforms for booking, according to a new report, which stated that the end of last year saw the number of people using them to book increase again. […]

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Sabre and CouProm Offer New App to Travel Professionals
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog , Travel Agencies ,
October 5, 2015

Reading Time: 2 minutes New app will allow customers the chance to book trips and excursions on the go. CouProm has announced its new partnership with Sabre that will see it offer a new app to travel professionals to give customers the world over access to better value and convenience when booking trips and excursions as a part of […]

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An Effective Website is Key to a Successful OTA
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog , Travel Agencies ,
September 8, 2015

Reading Time: 2 minutes Having a good website is key for the success of an OTA. Although price is one of the most important factors in driving customer satisfaction, new research has suggested that it is the effectiveness of an online travel agent’s (OTA) website that truly ensures success. The J.D. Power 2014 Online Travel Agency Satisfaction Report, found […]

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Europe is the World’s Most Attractive Hotel Investment Destination
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog , Hospitality Trends & Research ,
August 3, 2015

Reading Time: 2 minutes More people invest in hotels in Europe than anywhere else in the world. Hotel investment has been on the up across the world in the last few years, and according to the latest findings, Europe is the most attractive place in the world for investors to spend their money. Property firm Jones Lang Lasalle (JLL) looked […]

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Data Analysis is a Top Priority for North American Travel Managers
by Onyx CenterSource in Blog , Hospitality Trends & Research ,
July 6, 2015

Reading Time: 2 minutes Using travel data to build benchmarks and predictive analyses is a top priority for two-thirds of travel managers in North America, according to a new report. The Travel Management Priorities report from Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT) shows 67 percent of managers cite this as a priority. This is compared with 63 percent of respondents across […]

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