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Provisionszahlungen doppelt so schnell!

Für getane Arbeit entlohnt zu werden sollte nicht schwer sein. Leider erhalten aber viele Reisevermittler Ihre Provisionszahlungen  entweder sehr spät oder gar nicht. Dies hat oftmals zur Folge, dass die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Reisebüros und Hotels angespannt ist oder aufgekündigt wird. Onyx kann hier Abhilfe schaffen!

Unser Einzigartiger Ansatz

Als einziges Unternehmen kombinieren wir  Provisionszahlungen mit Forderungsmanagement für Hotels sowie Reisebüros und arbeiten aktuell mit Unternehmen in über 160 Ländern zusammen. Das macht uns einzigartig und qualifiziert uns, Reisevermittler darin zu unterstützen, Provisionszahlungen auch tatsächlich zu erhalten. Und genau das machen wir derzeit für über 200.000 Reisevermittler weltweit.

Eine Umsatzsteigerung
von 20% bis 40%
der Provisionen
Reduzierung des administrativen
Aufwandes um bis
zu zwei Drittel
Konsolidierung der Provisionen
Konsolidierung der Provisionen

Konsolidierte Zahlungen, Reduzierung von Währungskosten und pro-aktives Reporting.

Forderungsmanagement von Provisionen
Forderungsmanagement von Provisionen

Provisionszahlungen schneller erhalten.


Vereinfachung von Zahlungsabwicklung an Geschäftspartner für vereinbarte Leistungen.

Are you collecting all of the commissions you're owed?
Use our commission calculator to determine your missed revenue potential.


"HRS Group operates as an Online Travel Agency and Global Hotel Solutions Provider. We support hotels and other destinations in the distribution of their accommodations as well as optimizing the traveler’s booking experience. This results in thousands of payment transactions worldwide. For that, we found a very reliable partner with WPS (an Onyx CenterSource company) and have been successfully working together for many years. We trust in the innovative payment solutions Onyx offers to us."
-Frank Kaczmarek, HRS Group
"We have partnered with Net Trans (an Onyx CenterSource service) for many years and they are a very reliable, professional partner who has increased our commissions collection ratio significantly. Their excellent reporting tools and customer service is first class and they have helped grow our business substantially. "
-Oliver Megyeri, Verkehrsbüro Group
"During the first 15 months of using Net Trans (an Onyx CenterSource company) to reconcile our travel agency commissions, we saw a 20 percent increase in collection. Net Trans also exceeded the performance measures that were put into our contract."
-John Coffman, Direct Travel
"We have been working with WPS (an Onyx CenterSource company) for over 10 years and the service provided has always exceeded our expectations. They are very flexible as they have many types of different agreements and ways of paying agencies."
-Alonso Alvarez de Toledo, Made for Spain
"Since we have partnered with Net Trans (an Onyx CenterSource company) our revenue has increased by 10 - 16 percent yearly. Furthermore, the consolidation of payments in a monthly unique bank transfer in Euros simplifies our administrative tasks and allows us to make significant savings in bank charges."
-Romain Cluis, Orsud Voyages
"Onyx CenterSource are professional and provide good value for our business. They are easy to deal with and provide the necessary support that we need. I would have no hesitation in recommending them to any business."
-Graeme Horner, Financial Controller QBT
"Signing up with Net Trans (an Onyx CenterSource service) has increased our revenue from hotel commissions by 35 percent all while simultaneously reducing banking costs and administration efforts."
-Reisebüro Reeg, Lufthansa City Center, Germany
"We have partnered with Net Trans (an Onyx CenterSource company) for the last 5 years. We find them a reliable and professional partner who manage to increase our hotel commission profit significantly. Additionally, it greatly reduces our time spend reconciling our hotel bookings together with giving us some further insight into our hotel revenues. We have no hesitation in recommending their service to others."
-Carl Buerckner, Executive Chairman Platinum Travel Corporation
"After using WPS (an Onyx CenterSource company) for six months, we can confirm that this is a great tool to optimize our commission payment process and save money by avoiding bank fees. It is also important to mention the attentive customer service."
-Olga Cervantes Ochoa, Peru Empire

Mehr Provisionen – Schnellere Verarbeitung

Der gesamte Prozess Hotelprovisionen nachzuverfolgen, einzufordern und entsprechend zu dokumentieren war für Travizon eine erhebliche Herausforderung. Nachdem wir uns für eine Zusammenarbeit mit Net Trans, ein Unternehmen der Onyx CenterSource, entschieden hatten, sind die Umsätze mit Hotelprovisionen für Travizon um 22% angestiegen.